Impaktované publikace
Sillerova, T.; Zivny, J.; Vyoral, D.; Petrak, J.
Nutritional hepatic iron overload is not prevented by parenteral hepcidin
[rok vydání 2012, impact factor 3.302 ]
Petrak, J.; Myslivcova, D.; Man, P.; Cmejlova, J.; Cmejla, R.; Vyoral, D.
Proteomic analysis of erythroid differentiation induced by hexamethylene bisacetamide in murine erythroleukemia cells
[rok vydání 2007, impact factor 3.147]
Suchan, P.; Vyoral, D.; Petrák, J.; Šuťák, R.; Rasoloson, D.; Nohýnková, E.; Doležal, P.; Tachezy, J.
Incorporation of iron into Tritrichomonas foetus cell compartments reveals ferredoxin as a major iron-binding protein in hydrogenosomes
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 3.044]
Toman, O.; Kabickova, T.; Vit, O.; Fiser, R.; Machova Polakova, K.; Zach, J.; Linhartova, J.; Vyoral, D.; Petrak, J.
Proteomic analysis of imatinib-resistant CML-T1 cells reveals calcium homeostasis as a potential therapeutic target
[rok vydání 2016, impact factor 2.662 ]
Vyoral, D.; Hradilek, A.; Neuwirt, J.
Transferrin and iron distribution in subcellular fractions of K562 cells in the early stages of transferrin endocytosis
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 2.610]
Cmejla, R.; Ptackova, P.; Petrak, J.; Savvulidi, F.; Cerny, J.; Sebesta, O.; Vyoral, D.
Human MRCKalpha is regulated by cellular iron levels and interferes with transferrin iron uptake
[rok vydání 2010, impact factor 2.595]
Vyoral, D.; Petrák, J.
Iron transport in K 562 cells : a kinetic study using native gel electrophoresis and 59Fe autoradiography
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 2.478]
Vyoral, D.; Petrák, J.
Detection and quantification of 59Fe labeled proteins using storage phosphorimaging
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 1.991]
Petrák, J.; Vyoral, D.
Detection of iron-containing proteins contributing to the cellular labile iron pool by a native electrophoresis metal blotting technique
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 1.729]
Vyoral, D.; Babušiak, M.; Fuchs, O.; Petrák, J.
Native electrophoretic separation and femtomolar detection of 65Zn-containing proteins by storage phosphorimaging
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 1.611]
Babusiakova, E.; Vyoral, D.; Neuwirtová, R.; Sisková, M.; Zeman, J.; Kmoch, S.
Accumulation of homoplasmic mtDNA point mutations in erythroblasts isolated from the bone marrow of patients with refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS).
[rok vydání 2012, impact factor 1.537]
Vyoral, D.; Petrák, J.; Hradilek, A.
Separation of cellular iron containing compounds by electrophoresis
[rok vydání 2006, impact factor 0.854]
Stopková, R.; Hladovcová, D.; Kokavec, J.; Vyoral, D.; Stopka, P.
Multiple roles of secretory lipocalins (Mup, Obp) in mice
[rok vydání 2009, impact factor 0.357]